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Hotels and hostels in the Galilee

In the Galilee you will find different sleeping options and different kinds of scenery.
From cities like Haifa and Acre with their Mediterranean views, to the kibbutzim of the Jezreel Valley, to the luxury spa resorts and hotels close to the Sea of Galilee.

A very good friend of mine called Avirama Harris, who is a tour guide specializing in the Galilee area, helped me with this list.
If you plan on visiting Acre, Nazareth or the Sea of Galilee and want to know more about the history and people of the area, I highly recommend you get in contact with her.

Hotels along the Northern coast

On the way to the north, in Zikhron Ya’akov, is a luxury art hotel called Elma: art fans should check it out.

Another luxury option on the route north is the Carmel Forest Spa Resort, just before Haifa. Prices start at $400 per night. If you’ve just left Tel Aviv or Jerusalem and are looking for a quiet, green place to relax, this is it.

Hotels in Haifa

If I had to choose between Haifa and Acre, I would go for Acre and just spend half a day in Haifa.

But if you don’t want to rush and are starting your day in Tel Aviv, then a night in Haifa is a good option.

A further advantage is that you can expect to pay a lot less for accommodation in Haifa than in Tel Aviv, so you might decide to spend the day in Tel Aviv and head north in the afternoon.

I like to recommend Schumacher Hotel and the Colony Hotel.

Haifa Hostel is a really good budget option with a great location.

The Colony Hotel

Hotels in Acre (Akko)

The Old City of Acre is very small but it has all the options you need.

The high-end Hotel Efendi is in a beautiful house that has been renovated.

Mid-range options include the beautiful Arabesque boutique hotel. And for budget travelers there is the Eco Akko.

I love all three options here.

hotel acre

Hotels in the heart of the Galilee

In Nazareth I can only really recommend these budget to mid-range options in the Old City of Nazareth: Fauzi Azar Hostel and Al Hakim Guest House.

If you want to enjoy views over the Jezreel Valley, I can recommend the Holiday Village Kibbutz Mizra.

Fauzi Azar Hostel. A nice hostel in the Old City of Nazareth.

Hotels around the Sea of Galilee and Upper Galilee

In this region it’s hard to get around without a car outside of Tiberias.

The best hotels around the Sea of Galilee are Magdala and Gomeh.

Right on the shore, Kibbutz Ein Gev is a good resort with cabins offering sea views.

In Tiberias is the historical Scots Hotel, while for those on a budget there is the Tiberias Hostel as well as the David Hostel.

In Tiberias you have all the car rental companies so it’s a good place to get organized for a trip to the Galilee and Golan Heights.

The best luxury hotel in the Upper Galilee is the Mizpe HaYamim organic spa resort.

Galilion is a nice place located between the Sea of Galilee and the sites further north (Banias, Dan, the northern part of the Golan Heights).

Of the kibbutzim up north, I like to recommend Hagoshrim and the Pastoral Hotel at Kfar Blum.

Magdala hotel sea of Galilee